
saya masih waras.. :D

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته

ada something yg trjadi mlm besday manmeet dkat cyberia..
kalau rajin, bcalah note yg faisal tulis dlm facebook nih..
lawak lah juga saya bca balik note nih..hoho..

firstly, Manmeet Singh Manjit Singh, Happy 18 Dude! Welcome to the 18 above club.

Alright alright I'm going to write about what the hell happened on Manmeet's birthday. It started after our reflection session with Mr Eric at DOMINOS PIZZA (oh yeah, we don't do it at DISCUSSION ROOMS PEOPLE! laaaaame" ;D. We all went back and was kinda tired. 11 o clock me and the guys started planning on Manmeet's "surprise" so called party. We decided to do the old eggs-n'-flour routine. So Hussain and I went to the shop to get 2 packet of flours (we planned to use the eggs available at our kitchen). 1130 pm, we assigned teams :

Team Telur : Hussain and I
Team Air : Asyraf
Team Tepong : Hasif and Megat
Team Cake : Kevin

Ooo yeah, it was that sophisticated. Alright so then we had a huge problem. Manmeet knew it was his birthday (duh?) and of course he'll suspect something and refuse to go out of the house. I had to call some reinforcements from outside. Someone that knew Manmeet enough to get him out of the house, to get him not to suspect anything. That someone is.... well firstly I called Dalila. Buuuuuuut, much to my disappointment, our dear old Dalila was asleep and didn't pick up her phone! How did i know she was sleeping? Cause i called Fatin afterwards (Fatin was also sleeping!). Fatin however managed to hear her ringing tone and picked up the phone :D. "yes! finally a way out of our problems!" So i talked to Fatin and found out she was sleeping right, I didn't have the heart to ask her to get up just to get Manmeet to get out. So I told her it's okay we'll get another girl to do it. F.Y.I, Dalila called later and told me she was asleep when i called and wished Manmeet Happy Birthday. That's another reason why i knew she was sleeping. Since both Dalila and Fatin is not available.. Next up, Farah Asilah. I knew she wouldn't disappoint us. Reason I didn't call her in the first place? I knew Manmeet would suspect something if it was her. Dalila and Fatin was.... a more suitable first choice. NO OFFENCE FARAH. REALLY! :D. Manmeet wouldn't suspect anything if it was them. So Farah agreed to help. My worst fears for the night came true. Farah called Manmeet screaming "Manmeet Manmeetttt!! help us with our hyberiummm!!!" Ya Allahhhh, dah pukul 12 malam mende nak buat hyberium nye cik Farah Asilah oiii? mmg la kantoiiii! Much to my surprise, Manmeet agreed to go out even when he knew Farah was up to something. He didn't knew we were the actual brains behind this. So naturally he didn't suspect anything from us. So a few minutes later, Manmeet and I went out to the front of the house, just after the stairs. But before that, we've already set up our teams. Asyraf was waiting on the roof to splash Manmeet with a bucket of water, Hasif and Mgt was waiting on the next floor with 2 packets of flour, Me and Hussain each have 1 telur. Next comes the moment of truth....

Manmeet makes his way up the stairs.......
Farah Asilah is calling him from above...
Before he reached the end of the ledge....
he stops! (he wasn't in Asyraf's reach).

I was like...
"oh crap.. now what?".

Just when i thought i could work this out, KEVIN AND JJ CAME OUT, OUT OF THE BLUE. Of course he'll suspect something was up if the whole friggin house came out right?! I tried to cover..

"haa ni apasal sampai satu rumah nak jumpe Farah Asilah ni?".

Manmeet is still oblivious, but he was cautious though. So I thought of something... Maybe if i move, he'll move. So I went to Farah Asilah's mailbox. Manmeet didn't follow at first. I can clearly see Asyraf from my place at that time.

Manmeet still didn't move.

"crap... susah betul nak umpan mamat ni" i thought to myself.

Then Hussain came to the rescue, he put his hand on Manmeet's shoulder and walked. Manmeet followed.

Yessssss..!! a bit more.
Asyraf was getting ready with the bucket of water on the roof....
He could sense that Manmeet was moving....
Buttttt, Hussain was too close to himmm! Oh shit!

OMG THINGS JUST GET WORST AND WORST. Thankfully, on the last second, Hussain managed to move away from Manmeet a bit. Then....


Yeaaaaahhhhhh we got him people! A few seconds after, our flour-armed-team came down from the second floor and bombarded Manmeet with shots of flours. He ran of course. But they got him don't worry :D. Then all of us played with the floor, firing at each other. Farah Asilah and surprise guest Farahin Sazale (Star) also got caught up in the crossfire. I got both heheheh ;) sorry guys. Somebody's gotta do it right? I didn't notice Star up until the "Flour War". She just.... poof!


Aaaaanyways, so everything cooled down and we all gathered in front of the stairs again. Then......


I got Manmeet with an egg.. RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! soon after... Hussain got him too! hahaha GO TEAM TELUR! Poor Manmeet... he looked so disgusting at that time.

And the smell...
ya Allah......
the smell...


It stinks so bad Hasif almost puked! (thankfully he didn't). So then a new war has started "Telur War". The next thing I know, everyone has at least 1 egg at their disposal. I hid mine in my pocket. Thankfully it didn't break. Or else my phone would be covered in telurrr! Ew?? My next victim, my good-ol roommate Hasif. Got him on his head too! hahahah sorry dude. Next, Hussain got hit by Manmeet. Revenge! Next person who got hit by yours truly, Kevin.


God knows how much his hair means to him hahahaha. Still i was tempted.

But kesian...
tak jadi....
You should thank me for this Kevin.

I looked around for more victims. Suddenly...


Craaaaaaapppppp! Manmeet got me on my left shoulder! Arrrghhh the smell! It's okay, i was bound to get hit anyways. I continued my search for more victims....

I noticed a very important someone didn't get hit....
Someone who should've gotten hit a lonnnng time ago.....
That someone is.....
Mgt Ridhwan bin Mgt Hussain. <--- e'eh, nama sayalah.. :)

Bingo, I have my next victim in sight.

What i didn't know is, everyone is after Mgt too. So we ended up making a pack to get him. Crazy i know. But man oh man, he was like a lizard. He ran away everytime he saw us. And he ran fast people. We couldn't get to him. We tried and tried, still we can't get him.

So we devised a plan...
Some of us hide while the others chase him from behind.
So we broke off into 2 different teams ;
Me and Asyraf hid,
Hasif and Hussain went on to chase him from behind (mind you, they walked through the back).

Asyraf and I waited and waited....
There were no running sounds......
I was getting tired.

"tap tap tap tap tap. Aaaaaaaa!!! MEGAAAAATTT!!!"

Oh yeah it was on.

I sprung out from hiding and found Megat running towards me.

It's like taking candy from a baby Babeh.

I ran and got him on his right shoulder. yeaaaahhh! Mission accomplished!. We all settled down afterwards. Gathered in front of the stairs again. Oh Farah Asilah and Star were already gone xD. I guess they didn't find eggs as amusing as us guys. So we walked, and walked. Suddenly Hasif got ahold of Mgt and got him right on the head with an egg. I was kind of surprised xD I thought he ran out of eggs. Then Mgt shouted..

"OOOOO NI DAH LEBIH DAH NIII!" and ran into the house.

Few moments after. He came out with a dozen eggs... I'm not kidding people. It was a dozen. A whole friggin box of eggs!

We all ran of course. Then Mgt started tauting us with the eggs. We tried to calm him down

"Mgt jgn mgt.. dah malam2 dah nii tak elok main baling2 telur"
"Mgt tak elok bazir makanan tuuu. kang susahhh"
"Mgt toksah la buat lagu ni"

It was so damn funny. Then we tried to walk slowly to him. The funniest thing happened next...

He said "Allaaaaah" while tapping an egg on the road. He was making this sinister smile or something. It was so funny.

We all ran back!

Then for 20 minutes, Mgt stood there in front of the stairs, waiting for us to come back.

We didn't.

We figured out another way into the house...

I remembered that the sliding door in my room is still unlocked.

So Me, Hussain, Hasif and Asyraf climbed up to the roof. We found a way to climb up. Me and hasif went up first. followed by Asyraf.

Hussain on the other hand....
well he got stuck.
Me and Hasif ended up pulling him up.

So we went to our room and first Mgt didn't notice. But we started screaming and calling out his name inside the house..

He came up.
(he was downstairs when we came in).

We all ran back into my room. Locked the doors.

Suddenly it was quiet.....
Too quiet...

I decided to open the doors and see what's up.....
He was still there.

We quickly slammed the door shut.
Mgt have already gotten hold of the door knob.

He held the handle tightly so we couldn't lock it. Me and Asyraf stood againts the door to keep him from opening the door. Then we tried to calm him down again

"Mgt toksah la mgt. aku nak penat dah niiii. nak tidooo"
"Ni bukan Mgt yang aku kenai time skolah dulu"(said Hussain).

We tried and tried, but nothing works! So i wrote something on a piece of paper.

"Mgt toksah la buat lagu ni, tak baik"
I slide it under the door.

The first time Mgt quickly returned it back.
I tried again.

This time, he slowly slide the paper back.

I noticed something different on the paper.
Something that we're trying to avoid from the start of the "War"

....Egg yolk

I couldn't tell you how hard the 4 of us laughed in that room when we saw that. But it was funny as hell. It's like something out of a movie. Then we decided we couldn't get through the door. He was there waiting of course.

We decided to give in.
We've had enough.
We're tired and a bit sleepy.
Enough is enough.
If he wants to get us with eggs, so be it.

We climbed down from the roof to the front of the house. Went inside the house and screamed


Nothing happened.

"eh? mane mgt?" we said to each other.

Asyraf got an umbrella and made his way up the stairs.

(The umbrella is for blocking attacks just in case Mgt decided to attack him on the way up). So he went up quarter way and stopped...

"EEEEE ade telur dkt tangga ni oi!" and went back down again.

Ya Allah Mgt buat gila pulak malam-malam buta ni.

We never thought that he would break and egg in the house!

We were wrong.

Then Hasif went up with Asyraf.
Mgt was there...

Hasif and Asyraf ran down and soon after, Mgt followed.

Mgt had this small pink pail in his hand (he uses it to put his toilettries). I didn't suspect anything.

Then he put his hand in it.
And when he took it out....
you guessed it,
Egg yolk.

Eww, disgusting! hahaha.

"Dalam ni ada 4 telurrr" said Mgt.
(he was referring to 1 egg for 1 person. We were a group of 4 at the time)

We laughed of course. Then we said we give up and he could do anything he wants with us.

We just want it to end.
No more.
We just want to sleep in peace.

Asyraf was in his room at this time (he ran at the slightest glimpse of opportunity to get away from Mgt). Mgt also had a mop in his hand. and a pail of soap water. I asked,

"buat ape mop tu?"
"nak bersihkan dulu.." He answered.

I didn't get it at first. So i followed him up the stairs with the mop. Saw the egg yolk on the stairs

"Mamat ni buat gila malam2..." i thought to myself.

Then, i saw what he meant by "dulu". In front of my bedroom, which is the room that all of us hid from Mgt just now...

An egg.
(remember when he put the egg yolk on the paper i slid him?)

What he meant by "nak bersihkan dulu" is "I'll get you guys after i clean this shit up".

So all of us waited downstairs while Mgt cleans the floor. I managed to persuade Asyraf out of his room. Oh in case you're wondering where is Manmeet, Kevin and JJ in all of this, they've already bathed and clean. JJ and Manmeet was playing DOTA and Kevin was studying (WTH right?.. i know). Then we all waited downstairs. Mgt came down around 10 minutes after. He came down with his pink pail (which has egg yolks in it).

Reached his hand in and played around with the egg yolk.
(disgusting.. you guys should've seen him).

Then he went on to instruct us to sit in a line.
We obeyed.

He then took out his phone and took a picture of us. Then he said

"okay. dah" and went on to the bathroom.

We were dumbfounded at first.

"eh dah? xnk simbah dgn telur ke?"
he replied "tak nak, malas dh aku nak main. puas dah".


Mmg la mamat ni. Nasib baik member kan? Turns out he was just fooling around. Mgt Mgt. you made my day man xD! Alright so then after the very tiring night (we ran, we fought, we've gone through war, we've climbed up roofs, some of us pulled Hussain up the roof),

i remembered that i bought a cake from NZ.

Almost forgot about that. Oh yeah and before this, when we first stopped from playing telur (if you can recall i mentioned that we gathered in front of the stairs for a while) Manmeet blew his birthday cake and made his wish with Me, Hasif, Hussain, Mgt, Asyraf, JJ, Kevin, Farah Asilah, Farahin Sazale singing Happy Birthday in English, and also chinese.

But we didn't cut the cake.

So now back to the POST-MGT-GONE-CRAZY situation, we took out the cake again and this time we cut it. Everyone fed Manmeet and we all had a blast!

A perfect ending for the night.

That's all folks :) To whomever manged to read this note without feeling bored or "BILE LA NAK HBS NOTE NI. GILA PANJANG?!", i congratulate you *applause*

As a conclusion, I would like to say "Mgt you crazy bastard, the whole house smells like eggs now!"

This is the note that i slid under the door.
it reads
"Mgt toksah la. Tak baik buat lagu ni.
"adoooiii!! toksah la lagu ni"

message 1 : 6 org nk perang dgn saya sorang..wuuu.~ :((
ekceli 4 bji telur dah di target dkat bdan saya..
1st telur time hasif baling dkat saya, tp saya ngelak, pecah atas tar.. *selamat*
2nd telur from faisal.. *x slamat*
3rd telur from asyraf..dia baling, tp x pecah atas bdn saya, jatuh atas tar..pecah atas tar.. *selamat*
telur ke-4 from hasif............atas kpala...wahau.!!!! *x slamat*

2 telurr atas bdn saya nih..smua kna sbiji aje.. wuu..~

tp, sori byk2 sbb mnakutkan korang..