السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته
gees..~first tag yg aku kena buat dlm blog nih..wah, naseb baik ada tag nk kena buat..kalo x, ntahlah bila plak aku nk update blog aku..heh..
cbuk cket skarang nih, x sempat nk update blog + malas² tu ada gak cket..ngeh..
tpkan, aku rasa aku lebih bz dr ko larr farah..hua..hua.. (isyhh..dia kata dia lbeh bz dr aku yg penganggur nih.?!aku penganggur yg sntiasa bz larr..kwang..kwang..)
dgn bangganya aku menjawab tag oleh kinah..
gees..~first tag yg aku kena buat dlm blog nih..wah, naseb baik ada tag nk kena buat..kalo x, ntahlah bila plak aku nk update blog aku..heh..
cbuk cket skarang nih, x sempat nk update blog + malas² tu ada gak cket..ngeh..
tpkan, aku rasa aku lebih bz dr ko larr farah..hua..hua.. (isyhh..dia kata dia lbeh bz dr aku yg penganggur nih.?!aku penganggur yg sntiasa bz larr..kwang..kwang..)
dgn bangganya aku menjawab tag oleh kinah..
[1] Who was your last text from?
erm, fakhrul a.k.a dato'..
erm, fakhrul a.k.a dato'..
[2] Where was your default pic taken?
actually gambar tuh aku keratkan kpala syeikh muszaphar n then aku letakkan kpala aku..hua..hua..sorry ek syeikh..~pinjam gambar skejap..
actually gambar tuh aku keratkan kpala syeikh muszaphar n then aku letakkan kpala aku..hua..hua..sorry ek syeikh..~pinjam gambar skejap..
[3]Your relationship status?
membujang sepenuh masa..heh..currently not available..[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?
stakat nih masih blum terjadi..mnta simpang lah..~[5] What is your current mood?
TAKUT.!!takut dgn result SPM maa..~huk..huk..[6] What's your brother's name?
dua2 start dgn 'Mgt'..sorang nama Asyraf n sorang lg nama Hafiz..[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?
colour..colour..arr..colour..colouring.!!!wawawa..colour blue black n white..tenang je tgk colour tuh..
[8] Where do you wish you were right now?
dlm kreta..boring dok rumah..nk gi jln², tp x tau nk pegi mana..heh..~[9] Have a crazy side?
erk..sometime..ngeh..~[10] Ever had a near death experience?
hehe..nk tergelak aku baca soklan nih..pernah.!!time tuh aku stil kanak² ribena..my mum baru aje balik dr skolah n turun dr bas tepi jln..aku yg terlalu excited nk jumpa mak aku stelah sehari x jumpa terus lintas jalan..x tgk kiri kanan pun sbelum lintas tuh..ada larr teksi yg lalu dkat ctu buat brek kecemasan..haha..naseb baik x kena langgar, kalo x, x ada larr org nk jwb tag nih..heh..[11] Something you do a lot?
makan + tido..heh..smbahyang jgn lupa..ngee..~ (kategori bz kan.??)[12] Angry at anyone?
x..ksian kat org tuh kalo kita angry kat dia..[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
x tau nk start mcm mana..heh..[14]When was the last time you cried?
ntah..ntah..ntah..~[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
smestinya keluarga aku..~[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
rsult..rsult..rsult..uwaaa..~cuak truk nih..!![17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my dad.. (suruh balik rumah naik bas dr rumah tok aku..huk..huk..sediy..~)[18] What are your favorite songs?
probably english songs..but, still support lagu melayu dowh..~[19] What are you doing right now?
tgh fikir nk tulis apa..hah..[20] Who do you trust right now?
seseorang yg boleh dipercayai..my family larr..~[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
abah dapat dr pejabat dia, pastu bg dkat aku..[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
yeah.!!stiap kali sblum kluar rumah sorang² salam n kiss my mum n dad..[23] What is your lucky number?
KHURAFAT..!!![24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
x terkira..byk sgt..~[25] Describe your life in one word
peace..!![26] Who are you thinking of right now?
my dad..sbb tgh guna laptop dia..takot dia marah..har..har..[27] What should you be doing right now?
tgk spongebob..[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be.
rsult spm yg gempak..!![29] What are you listening to?
suara spongebob dlm tv..hua..hua..[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
x igt dowh..tp salah sorang family aku arr..~[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
hantu mana ntah dlm tenet nih..terkezut aku..~[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?
yeah..kdg² tuh..tp slaloo jd sndiri..aku x bley nk control..[33] What is your natural hair color?
hitam of coz..[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
ntah..x knal org tuh..dkat latihan moto..tabiat dia nih suka garu kpala kalau buat salah..dlm tgh buat latihan moto tuh, tetiba dia ditegur sbb buat salah..guess what apa yg dia buat.??dia garu helmet atas kpala dia..hua..hua..[35] Who will be tagged by u?
dissbkan kinah tag aku sbb aku penunggu result spm, aku pun nk tag penunggu rsult spm yg lain gak..hak..hak..manusia yg malang is..
> fattah
> afiq a.k.a tista
> pak thaa
> wanz

message 1 : jawab jgn x JAWAB.!!
message 2 : farah, aku letakkan link ko dlm list friends aku bley.??nk buat koleksi..wee..~
> afiq a.k.a tista
> pak thaa
> wanz
message 1 : jawab jgn x JAWAB.!!
message 2 : farah, aku letakkan link ko dlm list friends aku bley.??nk buat koleksi..wee..~
ho3~ngata kt aku..xpa2~aku pon suka kta kt ko~~:p..
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